

Decentralized Swap Solution On  BINANCE SMART CHAIN


About the MocktailSwap project?
Mocktail Token is MocktailSwap’s first semi-fungible token. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that includes several strategies for revenue optimization for the low cost / allowance Binance Smart Chain (BSC) which also allows aggregation through vault, loan and revenue composition for maximum results.

MocktailSwap is a decentralized exchange solution for the Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform to create a fully secure and fast decentralized token exchange system.

A steady placement of your wealth with few or no inconsistent losses

Automatic results and optimally optimized

Complete decentralization

MOK’s token economy is fully governance-based

Mocktail Function
Mocktail is a platform that allows users to access various decentralized financial functions integrated into the Binance Smart Chain. With Mocktail Finance, users can maximize their profits with a multi-yield strategy that optimizes the BSC. Or exchange tokens on the mocktail swap platform for a low fee. This is the new Ethereum token standard and Dapp is based on the Binance Smart Chain.


Mocktail is a platform that allows users to access a variety of decentralized financial features built into the binance smart chain. With Mocktail Finance, users can maximize their profits with a multi-yield strategy that optimizes the BSC. Or exchange tokens on the Mocktail Swap platform for a low fee. It is a new ethereum token standard and Dapp is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

1. ERC-1155 token standard:

Token Mocktail is based on the ERC-1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token which is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain. And this is the first ERC-1155 token built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

2. Exchanging:

Mocktail allows users to exchange their tokens for other tokens for a low fee.

3. Farming:

Users can earn crypto by lending their tokens to others via smart contracts.

4. Liquidity:

Users can participate by becoming a liquidator and get rewards according to their participation.

5. Bet:

Allows users to stake their tokens and get rewards according to their participation.

ERC-1155 is the standard for contracts that manage a combination of commensurate and non-exchangeable tokens.

As a result, the pattern avoids tons of repeated code circulating multiple contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem, saving significant storage space and gas costs.

What’s so special about ERC1155?
According to blockchain experts, non-interchangeable tokens could revolutionize the future of blockchain. Do you really understand this concept and how is it applied? Let’s go over the basics and discuss what makes NFT so special and with a bright future.

Fungible Tokens and Non Fungible Tokens Fungibility is  important in the world of blockchain and  cryptocurrency
. This is desirable for traditional or digital currencies as most currencies aim to be exchangeable assets. A token can be exchanged for other tokens of the same value. For example, one US dollar currency can be exchanged for another US dollar currency without any difference to the user.

There are popular patterns on the Ethereum network which have been established by the community itself. Each standard is known as ERC, which stands for Ethereum Request for Comments. It defines the methods, technology, and behavior for specific functions on Ethereum and is submitted for peer review.


In very simple terms, why would we want to drive a slower car that costs more? We’re all about gamification, so we wanted to maximize the feedback loop to earn, stake, and earn again: BSC’s superior speed and considerably lower transaction fees allow us to do this.

While the BSC may not have the level of adoption that Ethereum has at the moment, we believe in Binance’s capabilities and the drive to do very well in the future.

Semi-fungible way:
Each type of token can be owned by multiple addresses

An address can have multiple copies of each token.

Personal Sales DetailspictureStarting Block: # 6194146Starting Time: 1 APR, 2021 17:00 UTCEnd Time: 2 APR, 2021 17:00 UTCSoft Cap: 500,000 MOKHard Hat: 1,500,000 MOKCirculating Supply: 1,500,000 MOKPrivate Sales: 1,500,000 MOKMin. Investment: 0.01 BNBMax. Investment: 50 BNBExchange Rate: 1 MOK = 0.004 BNBAddition: 65 BNBBUSD raises: $ 2260Total Holders: 40We Accept: BNB, BUSDInitial Token DistributionpictureMining Token Distributionpicture
RoadmapConcept development timeline.picturepictureRevised Mocktail Sales Schedulepicture

MocktailSwap is a decentralized swap platform that runs on the Binance Smart Chain. Join a decentralized exchange network, and exchange your tokens at MocktailSwap:

Website – – groups – Official Servers – ; MoraCoin66 link:;u=2579413

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